Are you afraid of striking?
Do you avoid it most of the time when sparring or fighting in MMA?
Do you feel embarrassed when someone else is looking at you when sparring?
Have you ever lost a fight due to strikes?
Do you have problems teaching your students how to strike?
If you answered YES to some, or most of these questions, read on because I can fix all that easily.
Striking is probably the most energy-efficient segment in MMA, but many fear it and never get good at it.
I understand.
It can be daunting to exchange punches, thinking it's just a matter of time before you get knocked out or get your nose broken. Because of that you never fully commit to striking and that makes it even worse.
I don't know what's worse, getting knocked out to wake up looking up at your cornerman's worried face, not knowing where you are or what century it is? Or not getting knocked out but battered throughout the entire fight with low kicks, body kicks and punches to the head. Your body and head feeling constant pain for the next couple of weeks, and your dark and swollen thighs looking Instagram worthy.
What if I told you that you could quickly improve in striking, no matter how untalented you think you are?
What if I told you that I can eliminate or significantly reduce your flinching reflex?
What if I told you that all the fears that are holding you back can be easily dealt with by practicing the right techniques, right drills and training the right way?
You don't have to get knocked down or out in your every fight, and striking doesn't need to be that painful, for you that is.
My name is Mark Lajhner from, and I’m here to help you.
Would you believe me if I told you that a frightened, 100% pure grappler became a formidable striker in three short years, even if he only trained striking 2-3 times a week?
Well, that grappler is me and I was not a striker when I started MMA at the age of 26. Coming from a judo background, I didn't have one iota of striking skills and was afraid of it. Takedowns and GNP/submissions were my go-to game in the first fights. But it didn't stay like that for a long time. I started learning more and more striking and soon was able to use it to great effect.
In the last fight back in 2008, nobody gave me much chance. Especially in the stand up where I was supposed to get KOd quickly by a fighter who many thought was a much superior striker. Not only did I win decisively by showcasing skills in all areas, but to the surprise of many, I dominated the stand-up game with my jab/low kick-oriented game. I completely obliterated my opponent's left leg with low kicks, jabbed him, elbowed him to the head and much more.
This wasn't supposed to have happened, so why was I able to do it? There are two main reasons.
The first reason might be a little bit unusual - I didn't have access to high-level coaches on a regular basis. That forced me to maximize my time when I was with them, write the lessons down and THINK about how to best use the techniques I learned from them in my overall skill set.
You've probably heard how you should turn your weaknesses into advantages? That's exactly what I did. Even though experts did train me sporadically, I didn't have access to them all the time and that forced me to be my own coach and think for myself. Many fighters leave the thinking to their coach which is not good in my opinion because nobody knows you better than yourself. Coaches should be a group of advisors. But I digress...
Writing techniques down, figuring out how to connect them into my overall skillset and game-plan, and strategizing made me undefeated in MMA. More importantly, it made me improve fast and transformed a pure grappler scared of punches into a complete MMA fighter with formidable striking skills.
To be honest, I lacked full confidence in my striking ability during my last fight, and I could have probably finished it in the standup had I chosen that as a tactic. My knowledge and skills are light years ahead today, and I've thought this system to many students.
The second reason I was able to improve quickly is that once I retired, I didn't stop learning. In fact, that's when I improved the most because the pressure of competition preparation was off, and that allowed me to experiment with many concepts. When you're training for a fight, you should, of course, experiment too, but the main focus is on your A-game and dealing with your flaws.
Without having to compete, I was free to do things like completely change my stance from orthodox to southpaw and try out new techniques and tactics. I can now fight almost equally well in both stances.
My striking journey was an unusual one, but I've learned many lessons along the way and thought them to thousands of students.
During my time as a coach, I've instructed some of the best Serbian MMA fighters, but nowadays I mostly coach enthusiasts. And even though most of my guys are not into competitions, you couldn't tell then just by watching them spar or by sparring with them. In fact, I've seen many pro fighters dominated by my enthusiast students in training. Many of them are now better than me which makes me very happy.
I can help you too if you are willing to listen to me and do work.
Before I tell you about MMA Striking Made Easy, know that this instructional isn't for everyone. If you believe it will somehow magically transform you into a striking god without you doing the actual work, stop reading right now and leave this website.
MMASME is designed to teach you striking as fast as humanly possible, but it still involves work. It's not like I can upload a striking program straight into your brain as they did in the Matrix.

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If you are ready to invest the time and effort, here is what you can expect:
Learn how to assume the best stance for you and move effortlessly
When building a house, you must set a solid foundation otherwise everything collapses. The same applies to striking as well and I will first teach you how to assume a fighting stance, the difference between stances in boxing, Muay Thai and MMA, and whether to assume an orthodox or a southpaw stance. I also take into consideration a stance you wrestled in if you come from a wrestling or judo background.
I'll also teach you how to be light on your feet, harder to hit and a key detail that allows you to quickly attack and get back to safety, as fast as possible.
Master the basic punches
Many fighters think they know how to throw basic punches, but that is not always the case. They rely on their power and toughness to deliver damage, but all that can be done much easier and with less probability of getting hit if you learn how to do the punches properly.
I will show you the preparational exercises for each punch to make it easier for you to learn. Many of my students have picked them up instantly exactly because of these exercises.
Master the basic kicks
Continuing with the basics, this section is all about basic kicks and how you can use them to end fights.
Here I will teach you how to properly execute kicks, return to the starting position, and make the kick as hard a possible by being as relaxed as possible. Counterintuitive, right? It will all be clear once you watch the video.
How to hold pads
In this section, you will learn how to both do the pad drill as a student and also how to hold pads as a coach. I will show you what you need to do in order for your student/partner to have a great pad session, and what to avoid so he/she doesn't have a terrible one.
Knowing how to do this can make or break your training session and your striking progress.
I will also reveal why pad holding is a very important for developing defense (yes, I know it sounds crazy).
Partner drills
Training as close to the fighting situation as possible is what produces results fast, and partner drills are the way to go. Hitting focus mitts is very much needed, but the distance is a bit off and partner drills offer the closest possible simulation of the fight apart from sparring.
How to spar effectively
Not only will I tell you what is the best way to spar, but my students will show you. You will be a fly on the wall during one of our sparring sessions and see two of my best students go at it. Get this wrong and you will spend most of your time doing rehab or doing MRIs for brain damage. Get it right and you will enjoy fast improvement.
How to defend like a pro
Attacking is cool but if you don't know how to defend, you will be defeated and possibly knocked out many times. Some would argue that defense is even more important than offense. We will cover several types of defenses starting with Crazy Monkey Boxing.
CMD or Crazy Monkey Defense is a system of striking developed by a world-renowned martial arts instructor - Rodney King. While I'm not an official CMD instructor, I will show you a part of it since I've learned it in one of Rodney's seminars, trained it over the years and added it to my own system because I think it's good.
We will also cover slips, weaves, picks, catches (catches), parrying, checks, absorbs, moving away and many other defenses against kicks and punches.
Devastating elbows
Elbows are a very important part of MMA, and they often finish fights. Either by cuts or by contusions. In this segment, you will learn exactly how to deliver them with maximum power and precision.
How to punch while going backward
Most fighters only punch when going forward and that limits them quite a bit. Knowing how to strike while going backward will make you twice as dangerous, and we will show you 3 ways of doing so.
How to fight long - 8 ways to use the jab
My favorite tactic in striking was to fight long (even though I wasn't the tallest in the weight class). That means fighting with a lot of jabs on the outside. The whole game is based on the jab and I will show you 8 ways to use it in order to confuse your opponent and land it or another strike after it.
Hit the dummy drill
One of my most favorite drills and if done at a high pace, it can be harder than sparring. There is no actual dummy involved. Instead, we use our partner as one, without hurting him of course.
Three types of combinations
There are many combinations, but only 3 types. In this video, I'll explain all of them and tell you my preferred one.
Brutal knees
We will demonstrate knees from distance and how to set them up. We will also show you 3 types of flying knees.
How to set up the high kick
This is one of the most beautiful and also difficult kicks to execute. Its success depends largely on setups and we will show you 6 ways to do it.
Miscellaneous kicks
Stab kick, oblique kick, counter-question mark kick, are just some of the unusual but highly effective techniques that we will show you to complement and enhance your basic kicking game. Adding these will make you much more dangerous.
Understanding of distance and principles
I don't just teach you techniques but also the principles of striking. Knowing those will accelerate your learning and make you a better fighter. Distance management is another thing you will learn and especially how and when to enter into a "zone of heavy traffic", what distance to fight from and where it is totally useless to be.
Preconditions for a knockout
In this short segment, I explain what actually happens during the knockout, how the head and body KOs differ and what you need to do to achieve each one.
How to punch the heavy bag
I cringe when I see fighters just standing in front of the bag looking down (thinking they look dangerous) and hit continuously. Needless to say, working the heavy bag should be done differently. You should mimic the things that you'll be doing in a fight, and I'll show you how to achieve that.
And much, much more...
I have done martial arts for over 28 years and spent over $55.000 in order to get this knowledge. It's not just a result of me sparing no expenses, traveling all over the world and learning from the best coaches and fighters. That's just a part of it. I also tested everything I learned in competition and refined the system. To say it was hard would be an understatement.
I've bled for this knowledge, had five surgeries, my face rearranged (my nose was broken and ended up on one side of my face) and had many other injuries.
But you don't have to and I'll save you the time and suffering.
By purchasing this instructional you are effectively taking a shortcut to mastery. You will of course still have to put in hard work, but you will skip all the unnecessary pain and frustration and improve as fast as humanly possible. If you go through my system, your striking mastery is as guaranteed as God's sunrise.
So how much does the instructional cost?
When I told my friends how much I was going to charge, they thought I was crazy knowing how much I invested in my knowledge and how much I suffered. One of them called me an idiot and told me I might as well give it away for free.
It costs $197 but since there is currently a 50% discount on each one of my products, it will only cost you $98.5.
It is a well-known fact that the vast majority of MMA fighters don't earn nearly as much money as Conor McGregor. The local MMA shows pay around $1000 to show up, and $1000 for the win. This instructional will help you win and only costs 10% of your show money. That is 20 times return on investment. And if you're still competing in the amateur shows, MMASME will accelerate your journey to pro fights.
Even if I'm half right, you'll get there much quicker than you would otherwise.
As a coach, you will stop second guessing yourself about what you should teach each night. It will cost you less than one student's membership, but it will attract more to you once the students start praising you through word-of-mouth advertising.
Look, I know how it feels to lack knowledge and want it badly. To suck at striking and think you will never be good at it. I once felt like that, but fortunately, I never gave up. You can become a good striker without all the suffering that I've gone through, and at a tiny fraction of the cost. Hell, it's only a third of most of my plane tickets.
It takes a very special individual to appreciate the value of this instructional fully. Even though you know you need this badly, only 5 out of every 100 will take the time to improve their lives by investing in themselves.
What excuse do you make when asked why your striking isn't working? Can you afford to appear "behind the times" to your opponents, teammates, and friends? Or is it important to you to be perceived as an intelligent and precision striker, in tune with the current MMA trends?
Tell you what - if for any reason you are not thrilled with your purchase, return it for a full 100% refund within 60 days - no hassles, no hard feelings.
Striking can get very dangerous. Brain damage and other injuries are always around the corner. We all love combat sports, I know, but if you are like me, you also don't want to end up like Mohamed Ali after you finish fighting. Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases are not fun. So many fighters only take the short-term approach, not caring about the long-term consequences of fighting. I want my brain working properly and thanks to the approach to striking that I took, it still does. Yours will too if you allow me to teach you how to strike properly.
Don't get me wrong, striking is still dangerous, and nothing will change that, but you don't need to make it super-dangerous by training and fighting recklessly. By allowing me to show you how to approach striking, you will minimize the chance of injury, not exclude it, and maximize your improvement.
Order now and start learning immediately.

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$197 $98.50
This instructional is instantly downloadable. - Mark Lajhner
Migela Anhela Asturijasa 19, 1160 Belgrade, Serbia